How To Grow Penis Envy Mushrooms

How To Grow Penis Envy Mushrooms

Growing Penis Envy mushrooms can be a fascinating and rewarding journey. These mushrooms, known for their distinct shape and robust potency, require a bit more care and attention compared to other Psilocybe cubensis varieties. In this guide, we'll walk you through each step of the process, from preparation to harvest, ensuring you have all the knowledge needed to cultivate these unique mushrooms successfully. Let's dive in and explore the world of Penis Envy mushroom cultivation.

Understanding Penis Envy Mushrooms

Penis Envy mushrooms are a variant of Psilocybe cubensis with a storied history. Discovered by legendary ethnobotanist Terence McKenna, these mushrooms have gained fame for their unique physical characteristics and potent effects. Unlike other cubensis strains, Penis Envy mushrooms have a thicker stem and a bulbous cap, resembling their namesake. They are often more potent than other varieties, which makes them highly sought after by enthusiasts.

The unique morphology of Penis Envy mushrooms makes them stand out. Their distinct appearance, with a large, thick stem and smaller cap, is unlike any other Psilocybe cubensis strain. This peculiar shape is not just for show; it often correlates with higher concentrations of psychoactive compounds. Despite their popularity, they can be more challenging to cultivate due to their specific environmental needs and slower growth rate.

Preparing for Cultivation

Before you begin, it's crucial to gather all necessary materials and set up a clean, sterile workspace. Here's what you'll need:

  • Spore syringe or spore print: This is the starting point for your cultivation.
  • Substrate: Common options include brown rice flour and vermiculite.
  • Jars or containers: These will house your substrate and mycelium.
  • Pressure cooker or large pot: Essential for sterilizing your substrate.
  • Incubation chamber: A space to maintain the ideal conditions for mycelium growth.
  • Sterile gloves and alcohol: To prevent contamination.

Creating a sterile environment is key. Make sure to clean your workspace thoroughly, wash your hands, and use gloves when handling materials. Contamination is one of the biggest challenges in mushroom cultivation, so rigorous cleanliness cannot be overstressed. Ensuring that all your equipment and materials are sterile will significantly increase your chances of a successful grow.

Choosing the Right Substrate

The choice of substrate is critical for the successful cultivation of Penis Envy mushrooms. While brown rice flour and vermiculite are popular, you might also consider using manure or coir for potentially better yields. Each substrate type has its benefits. For instance, manure is rich in nutrients that mushrooms love, while coir is great for moisture retention and avoiding contamination.

Sterilizing the Substrate

Sterilizing your substrate is the first critical step in the inoculation process. Mix your substrate ingredients (e.g., brown rice flour, vermiculite) and fill your jars. Ensure the mixture is evenly distributed to avoid any pockets that could harbor contaminants. Once the jars are filled, seal them with lids and foil to keep them airtight.

Place the jars in a pressure cooker and sterilize them for about 90 minutes at 15 PSI. This process is essential to kill any potential contaminants that might be present in the substrate. If you don't have a pressure cooker, a large pot can suffice, but it may not be as effective. After sterilization, allow the jars to cool completely before moving to the next step.

Inoculating the Jars

Once your jars have cooled, it's time to inoculate them with the spore solution. Using a spore syringe, inject the spore solution into the jars through pre-drilled holes. Aim for 1-2cc of spore solution per jar, distributing it evenly across the substrate. This ensures that the mycelium will have multiple points from which to start colonizing the substrate.

Reseal the holes with micropore tape to prevent contamination. Label the jars with the inoculation date and strain type for easy tracking. Proper labeling helps you keep track of different batches and their progress. Store the jars in a clean, warm area where they will remain undisturbed during the incubation period.

Ensuring Proper Inoculation

The inoculation process can be delicate. Make sure your spore syringe is well-shaken to distribute the spores evenly before inoculating. This simple step ensures a more uniform colonization across the substrate, leading to healthier and more productive growth. Sterilize the needle before each injection by heating it until it glows red and then allowing it to cool.

Penis Envy Mushroom


For successful mycelium growth, maintaining the right conditions is essential. Penis Envy Spores prefer a slightly higher incubation temperature than other strains.

Ideal Conditions

  • Temperature: 75-80°F (24-27°C)
  • Humidity: Moderate, not too high
  • Light: Indirect light is sufficient; avoid direct sunlight.

Monitoring Growth

Check the jars regularly for signs of mycelium growth, which appears as white, fluffy patches. Watch out for any discoloration or odd smells, as these indicate contamination. Mycelium should be white and uniform; any green, black, or other colors typically signify mold or bacterial contamination. If contamination occurs, isolate and dispose of the affected jars immediately to prevent it from spreading.


If growth is slow or stalled, check temperature and humidity levels. Ensure that your workspace remains clean to avoid introducing contaminants. Sometimes slight adjustments to the environment can make a significant difference. Patience is key during this stage, as Penis Envy mushrooms can take longer to colonize than other strains.

Creating a Controlled Environment

A controlled environment is crucial for successful incubation. Consider using an incubator to maintain consistent temperatures and protect your jars from temperature fluctuations. An incubator can be a simple DIY project using a plastic container and a heating element. Consistency in temperature and humidity can significantly impact the speed and success of mycelium colonization.

Fruiting Stage

Once your jars are fully colonized with mycelium, it's time to transition to the fruiting stage. This is where the magic happens, and you'll start to see the actual mushrooms form.

Preparing the Fruiting Chamber

Set up a container with holes for airflow, lined with perlite to maintain humidity. Transfer the colonized substrate from the jars to the fruiting chamber. The perlite helps keep the humidity levels high, which is crucial for the mushrooms to develop properly. The container should be large enough to accommodate your substrate without overcrowding, allowing for adequate air circulation.

Initiating Pinning

To encourage mushroom pinning, introduce light and fresh air exchange. Mist the chamber lightly and fan it a few times daily to simulate natural conditions. This mimics the outdoor environment where mushrooms naturally grow, helping to trigger the development of pins – the early stage of mushroom growth. Ensure that the humidity remains high, as this is essential for the pins to form and mature.

Maintaining Optimal Conditions

Maintaining optimal conditions during the fruiting stage is crucial for healthy mushroom growth. Monitor the temperature, humidity, and airflow regularly to ensure they stay within the ideal range. Too much or too little of any of these factors can hinder mushroom development. Consistent monitoring and slight adjustments can help maintain the perfect environment for your mushrooms to thrive.

Caring for Developing Mushrooms

Monitor the humidity closely, ensuring it stays within the optimal range. Mist and fan the chamber as needed, but avoid over-saturating the substrate. Too much moisture can lead to contamination and hinder the growth of your mushrooms. Watch for the emergence of mushroom pins, which will grow into mature mushrooms. This stage requires careful attention, as environmental conditions must be kept stable to support healthy growth.

Recognizing When to Harvest

Knowing when to harvest your mushrooms is key to maximizing their quality. Look for the tearing of the veil under the cap, which indicates they are ready for harvest. Harvesting too early or too late can affect the potency and yield of your mushrooms. Proper timing ensures you get the best possible product from your efforts.

Harvesting Techniques

Using the right harvesting techniques is important to avoid damaging the substrate. Use a clean knife or scissors to cut the mushrooms at the base, leaving the mycelium intact for future flushes. This method helps ensure that the substrate can produce additional harvests, maximizing your yield from each growing cycle.

PE 6 Mushrooms

Post-Harvest Care

Dry the harvested mushrooms using a dehydrator or by placing them in a well-ventilated area with low humidity. Store dried mushrooms in an airtight container with a desiccant to maintain dryness and potency. Proper drying and storage are crucial to preserving the mushrooms' quality and extending their shelf life. Dried mushrooms can be stored for months if kept in the right conditions.

Drying Methods

Choosing the right drying method can impact the quality of your mushrooms. A food dehydrator is often the best choice, as it provides consistent heat and airflow. If you don't have a dehydrator, you can also air-dry your mushrooms by placing them on a rack in a well-ventilated area. Ensure they are completely dry before storing to prevent mold growth.

Storing Your Harvest

Proper storage is essential to maintain the potency of your mushrooms. Use airtight containers and store them in a cool, dark place. Adding a desiccant packet to your storage container can help absorb any residual moisture and keep your mushrooms dry. Avoid exposure to light and heat, which can degrade the active compounds over time.

Troubleshooting and Tips

Even experienced growers encounter challenges. Here are some common issues and solutions:


Prevent contamination by maintaining strict cleanliness and sterilization practices. If contamination is detected, isolate and discard the affected substrate immediately. Contamination can spread quickly, so prompt action is necessary to protect your other jars and substrates. Always clean your workspace before and after handling your materials to minimize the risk.

Environmental Adjustments

If growth is slow or uneven, adjust temperature, humidity, or light exposure to better suit the needs of Penis Envy mushrooms. Sometimes, even small changes can make a big difference in the health and vigor of your mushrooms. Experiment with slight modifications to find the optimal conditions for your specific growing environment. Each grow setup can have unique challenges, so flexibility and observation are key.

Advanced Tips for Experienced Growers

For those looking to refine their techniques:

Optimizing Yield and Potency: Experiment with different substrates, such as manure or coir, which can enhance mushroom growth. Different substrates can provide varying levels of nutrients, impacting the size and potency of your mushrooms. Testing different combinations can help you find the best mix for your needs.

Advanced Methods: Consider using liquid culture techniques or grain spawn for faster colonization and higher yields. These methods can significantly reduce the time it takes for your mycelium to colonize the substrate and can improve overall yields. Liquid cultures can be more resilient to contamination and can be easier to work with once you are familiar with the process.

Dealing with Contamination

Contamination is a common issue in mushroom cultivation. Identifying and dealing with it promptly can save your entire batch. If you notice any unusual colors or smells, isolate the affected jars immediately. Clean your workspace thoroughly and consider using stronger sterilization methods if contamination persists.


Growing Penis Envy mushrooms requires patience, attention to detail, and a willingness to troubleshoot along the way. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you'll be well on your way to successfully cultivating these unique and fascinating mushrooms. Remember to always adhere to legal guidelines and practice safe, responsible growing techniques. Mushroom cultivation is not only about the end product but also about the journey and the learning experience it provides.

Additional Resources

To further enhance your mushroom cultivation knowledge, explore these resources:

Recommended Reading

  • Books: "The Mushroom Cultivator" by Paul Stamets, "Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms" by Paul Stamets. These books provide in-depth knowledge and advanced techniques for mushroom cultivation, making them excellent resources for both beginners and experienced growers.


  • A comprehensive online community and information hub for mushroom cultivation.
  • Another great forum where you can find advice, grow logs, and support from other growers.


  • Online communities: Connecting with experienced growers through forums can provide tips and support. Engaging with these communities can help you troubleshoot issues, share your experiences, and learn from others.

With dedication and careful attention, you'll find that growing Penis Envy mushrooms can be a deeply rewarding and educational experience. Remember, each grow can teach you something new, and the journey is just as important as the destination.

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